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Enhancement shaman

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Enhancement shaman Empty Enhancement shaman

Post  Marcusperala Sat May 31, 2008 11:44 am

Real name: Marcus
Country: Sweden
Gender(Male/Female): Male
Age: 17
Languages: Swedish, english, a little bit german.

Character in-game: Reeh
Class/race: Tauren Shaman (Enhancement)
Specc(00/00/00): 5/46/0. ( Will change if you say so)
Online(hours per day): 3-8 hours.
Professions: None atm.
Equiptment/gear): Some ubrs gear and the unstoppable force, gonna get a new piece of HW set today.
Can you raid between 18:00-23:00: Yes i can.
If yes, then how many days per week: 7.

Molten core:Yep
Onyxia's Lair: No
Blackwing Lair: Yes

Do you have Ventrilo 2.1.4?: Yes
Got mic?: Yes

Fire resistance: 0
Frost resistance: 0
Nature resistance: 10
Shadow resistance: 15

PvE experience (No point of lying, we'll notice that): Pretbc I raided ZG/MC/BWL/AQ40 on my hunter named Reszon (eu servers). I know all the tactics up to the beginning of AQ40. In TBC i've mostly played PvP, but i have played Kara/Gruul/ Magtheridon/ TK/ MH. Lidl (Tauren Druid) is the name of my TBC raider (Eu servers).

Why you would like to join:Well, I would like to meet new people and also get some gear and have fun Smile.

Freinds in guild who could put a good word for you: Noobaxarn, were good IRL mates.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-05-31

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